New Student writes review thanking TechniTrader instructor Martha Stokes CMT for mentoring and dedication.
Dear Martha,
Life presents very few moments, or moments one recognizes as life altering. However, I find myself encouraged and in the midst of what I hope to be a positive life altering year and transformation because of you and your TechniTrader team.
After college I developed an interest in trading. During free time in my early 20’s I read books about the market, candlesticks, indicators, listened to webinars etc. but always felt that I was missing something, that I still did not possess enough cohesive knowledge to make a sound trading or investment decision. Up until that point I had still never made a trade before and did not know or understand how to approach the market. I just did not feel ready or prepared. The starting point of my transformation occurred about 8 months ago after listening to you teach on a recorded TC2000 Telechart Webinar.
I remember throughout that webinar I did not understand much of what you were saying. You were speaking quickly because of the time constraints. Your vernacular was foreign and you spoke of the financial markets in a manner in which I had never heard before. However, afterwards I felt really excited. My gut and intuition were tugging me within telling me that I had just encountered someone special. Needless to say, my intuition was right and I have been one of your students ever since.
My purpose for writing this letter is to say “Thank You!” I could write pages detailing the many reasons and person-life circumstances that contribute to my immense gratitude but that is for another time. In the meantime, I would like to thank you for all of your mentorship, hard work, and dedication to your students/me. Despite however never having met me I feel like you care about me and my success…almost as much as my parents. You are a special person and teacher.
During my school years, I always struggled in math and required tutors to assist in my comprehension. Where my mind felt cluttered in trying to make sense of the problems, I would listen, amazed at how the tutor could dissect and simplify its complexity. After their explanation, and my own repetition, I could grasp the concepts. You possess that same type of genius and other intangibles that make you both an excellent teacher and one of the most interesting and unique people I have ever encountered. You are truly a treasure.
I admire most your selfless dedication to passing the knowledge you spent your life acquiring to your students. It is my observation and humble opinion that in a capitalist society the most important security one could have is financial security. Therefore, there is no greater gift one could give another than the guidance, tools, and knowledge to achieve such security as well as thrive and reach ones fullest potential. You provide these tools every day by tirelessly working to impart your insight, approach, and knowledge so we too may achieve success in the financial markets. I am sincerely grateful.
At this moment in time I am still at the paper trading stage of learning but am optimistic that through your teaching and my own efforts I too can one day become a disciplined and successful Swing and Position Trader.
During a commencement speech at Stanford, the late Steve Jobs made remarks centered around finding and doing what you love to do in life as one of the keys to success. He said, “If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know it when you find it. And like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on.” Because of you and your continued guidance I believe I have found what I love to do in life.
I also would like to thank your staff. Their support, response times, and insight are greatly appreciated. At times I feel as if they are my co-workers, except friendlier and more responsive.
Forever your grateful and dedicated student,
Michael D.
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