
TechniTrader Instructor Martha Stokes CMT review - by Mallory S. - "You have never made your business about making money."

Student writes review how Martha Stokes CMT training touched her life in more ways than just stock trading education.

Dear Martha,

What TechniTrader has done for my life, I cannot thank you enough.

Thank you for daily lessons about the market and trading that continue to raise my level of understanding. Thank you for quality Lab Classes that generously are included as part of my subscription. Thank you for the knowledge and experience you share daily and for the strong commitment you both make to educate in multiple formats that help my learning style grasp what is important for my trading success. 

We had a year of unexpected circumstances. There will always be those chapters in life that deviate from the plan. We forged ahead and I attribute much of our successful transition to my years as a TechniTrader student. Over the years you have served as my mentors in living life fully committed. 

You have never made your business about making money. Instead you have provided a structure for learning, inspired my trading through your dedication in developing TechniTrader, and your very positive attitudes have spilled over into your teaching and into my life!

Thank you for your tireless efforts day after day, year after year! Your commitment is so total and inspiring! I would not be on this path without your guidance.

Sending best wishes to you, your family and staff!


Mallory S.

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