
Beginner DVD Stock Trading Course REVIEW "The DVD's are in fact one of the strongest reasons for my interest in TechniTrader."

Student writes review about Beginner stock trading DVD course saying it is an excellent course format.


I am reaching the end of my online support with you. It has been extremely educational. Of course, I have printed all the emails and review it consistently. 

I want to thank you for all the great advice and an excellent format for learning. This format lends itself to easy review.

The DVD's are in fact one of the strongest reasons for my interest in TechniTrader. Your work and Howard's work are interesting and easy to follow and review.

So the education goes on, a healthy foundation has been laid and long term work remains.

Thank you for the great start,

Dan D.

Notes from the blog manager

Go read more about the course Dan D. is talking about. 
Beginners Stock Trading Course